
infected ducks Learn more about infected ducks

  • Control techniques of duck plague

    Control techniques of duck plague

    Control techniques of duck plague

  • Harm of Duck Influenza and its Comprehensive Control

    Harm of Duck Influenza and its Comprehensive Control

    Duck influenza is a highly fatal infectious disease caused by influenza A virus, which can infect ducks of all breeds and every day of age. it is the most serious epidemic disease that harms duck industry. 1. Epidemic characteristics in the past, it was generally believed that waterfowl were only carriers of influenza virus and did not get sick. However, since the mid-1990s, ducks have been infected with highly pathogenic influenza virus, which breaks the traditional understanding of duck influenza. Ducks are not only highly susceptible to influenza, but also can transversely infect terrestrial birds.

  • Duck viral swollen head hemorrhagic disease

    Duck viral swollen head hemorrhagic disease

    Duck viral swollen head hemorrhagic disease is an acute septic infectious disease caused by duck viral swollen head hemorrhagic disease virus. It is characterized by duck head swelling, conjunctival congestion and bleeding, extensive skin bleeding, enlarged liver with bleeding spots, body temperature above 43 ℃, green defecation, etc., with an incidence of 50% to 100% and a mortality rate of 40% to 80% or even 100%. It is a new infectious disease that seriously harms the duck industry. 1 Epidemiological diagnosis of duck viral swollen head hemorrhagic disease (2003

  • Prevention and treatment of duck viral hepatitis

    Prevention and treatment of duck viral hepatitis

    Prevention and treatment of duck viral hepatitis

  • Duck parasitic helminthiasis-duck subclonorchiasis

    Duck parasitic helminthiasis-duck subclonorchiasis

    Duck clonorchis is a parasite that lives in the bile duct or gallbladder of duck liver. It mainly harms ducks over one month old, and the infection rate and infection intensity are very high. Death is often caused by blockage of gallbladder and bile duct worms, which is a great harm to ducks at present. There are two kinds of Clonorchis sinensis parasitic in the gallbladder and bile duct of ducks (Clonorchis orientalis and Clonorchis Formosa). The most common in clinic is Clonorchis orientalis. 1. Pathogen and epidemic characteristics the pathogen is Clonorchis orientalis, which belongs to the family epididymidae. The insect body is leaf-shaped and 2.4 to 4 years long.

  • Common infectious diseases of ducks in summer

    Common infectious diseases of ducks in summer

    Common infectious diseases of ducks in summer

  • sniffles, sneezing, inflammation, duck infectious rhinitis in winter

    sniffles, sneezing, inflammation, duck infectious rhinitis in winter

    sniffles, sneezing, inflammation, duck infectious rhinitis in winter

  • Common Diseases in Duck Breeding

    Common Diseases in Duck Breeding

    Common Diseases in Duck Breeding

  • Common disease symptoms and prevention methods of ducks

    Common disease symptoms and prevention methods of ducks

    Common disease symptoms and prevention methods of ducks

  • Symptoms and pathological changes of salmonellosis in ducks

    Symptoms and pathological changes of salmonellosis in ducks

    1. Symptoms through infected duck eggs infected with salmonella or out-of-shell ducklings infected with bacteria in the incubator, often with septicemia, often die quickly without showing any symptoms. Older young birds often have a subacute process. Lethargy, drooping head and eyes, drooping wings, loose feathers, significant anorexia, increased drinking water, watery dysentery, fecal adhesion to the anus, fear of cold and close to the heat source or crowding each other. Respiratory symptoms are not common. Ducklings have symptoms such as trembling, wheezing and eyelid edema, and often fall to the ground suddenly and die, so they have "cataplexy".

  • Symptoms and treatment of viral hepatitis in major infectious diseases of ducks

    Symptoms and treatment of viral hepatitis in major infectious diseases of ducks

    Duck viral hepatitis is a common infectious disease in raising ducks. if it is not found immediately, it will cause a lot of loss. the symptoms and treatment of the disease are as follows: 1. Duck viral hepatitis often occurs within 4 weeks of age, 5 ~ 15 days old.

    2020-11-11 Duck major infectious diseases viral hepatitis symptoms and duck
  • Foot pad swelling can also cause duck death, how to prevent and cure duck pad swelling disease

    Foot pad swelling can also cause duck death, how to prevent and cure duck pad swelling disease

    Foot pad swelling can also cause duck death, how to prevent and cure duck pad swelling disease

  • Etiology and Prevention and treatment of Duck hemorrhagic Disease

    Etiology and Prevention and treatment of Duck hemorrhagic Disease

    Duck hemorrhagic disease is an infectious disease caused by a new type of herpesvirus (duck herpesvirus type II), which can infect ducks of all breeds and ages. Because the feather tube, upper beak tip and claw tip of the diseased duck often bleed purplish black, it is commonly known as duck "black feather disease", duck "black pipe disease" and duck "purple beak black foot disease". According to the characteristic pathological changes of the disease, it is also called duck bleeding disease. At present, the disease occurs in Fujian, Guangdong, Zhejiang and other southern provinces of China, and the infected ducks are easy to be complicated or secondary to bacterial infectious diseases (such as duck infectious serosa).

  • Prevention and treatment of infectious serositis in ducks

    Prevention and treatment of infectious serositis in ducks

    Prevention and treatment of infectious serositis in ducks

  • Prevention and treatment of Duck Cholera

    Prevention and treatment of Duck Cholera

    Prevention and treatment of Duck Cholera

  • Pathogen characteristics of infectious serositis in ducks

    Pathogen characteristics of infectious serositis in ducks

    Duck infectious serositis, also known as Riemerella anatipestifer, formerly known as Pasteurella anatipestifer, can be infected by ducks of all breeds, genders and dates, mainly affecting ducklings aged 2 to 3 weeks, with an incidence of more than 90% and a mortality rate of 5% to 75%. The disease is often mixed with duck colibacillosis or complicated with infection. It is characterized by fibrinous pericarditis, pericarditis, pneumocystitis, peritonitis and so on. 1. Riemerella anatipestifer, the pathogen of the disease, is a gram-negative bacilli with no spores and no movement.

  • Prevention and treatment of Infectious serous peritonitis in Duck

    Prevention and treatment of Infectious serous peritonitis in Duck

    Duck infectious serositis, also known as Pasteurella anatipestifer, is a chronic or acute septic infectious disease that infects ducklings (goslings). It is characterized by fibrinous pericarditis, pericarditis, pneumocystitis and arthritis. With the rapid development of duck industry and the expansion of trade in poultry products, the incidence of duck infectious serositis is increasing year by year, and it is easy to occur and difficult to treat, which has become one of the important diseases restricting the rapid development of duck industry. Controlling and eliminating the disease is of great significance to promote the rapid development of duck industry. Combined with the reality of my work, I would like to talk about the prevention of the disease.

  • Prevention and treatment of common duck diseases

    Prevention and treatment of common duck diseases

    Prevention and treatment of common duck diseases

  • Duck arthritis syndrome

    Duck arthritis syndrome

    1) The main symptoms. The joint swelling of sick ducks was mainly seen in hock joints, followed by knee joints, hip joints and toe joints. Swelling of joints, purplish red, hot sensation on palpation, local softness at the beginning of the disease, then gradually hardening, severe limp or inability to walk, reduced feed intake, gradual emaciation and increased mortality. 2. Preventive measures. The disease is associated with a variety of bacterial infections, such as Staphylococcus, Salmonella, Riemerella anatipestifer and so on. We should insist on "all-in" in feeding system

  • What are the common diseases in raising ducks? How to prevent it?

    What are the common diseases in raising ducks? How to prevent it?

    Ducks are a kind of birds that are easy to raise, and they can be seen in both ordinary farmers and farms. Duck meat is delicious, lean and less fat, so it is more suitable for us to eat. In the specific process of raising ducks, there are some changes in temperature and environment.

    2020-11-11 Raising ducks common several diseases some what how prevention